So I'm on the job hunt right? And it's awful. I've applied to lots of things and mostly the only response I've gotten is, "Thank you for applying. After careful consideration we have chosen another applicant who more fully fits the job." Or something like that.
I'm planning on going to Europe next summer with my friend Brenda. She served in Romania and I served in Spain and we thought it would be fun to go and visit as much of Europe and go to as many temples as we possibly can. I jumped on the idea and started planning and mapping things out. Pretty much it will take at least 3 weeks. More likely a month. How the heck do you take a month off of work? Easy solution: you get a job at a school. 3 months of summer vacation. It would be perfect. There have been a few secretarial jobs and local schools here that I have applied for along with the dozens of other jobs I've applied for. But I haven't heard back from them. Not even the "Somebody else was more qualified" reply. School starts in like a week! You'd think I'd hear something.
So why is any of this a problem? Because I have had ONE interview. Actually two. But they were with the same company. And I got a call today from them saying I got the job and they want me to start on Monday. That's great! I won't be jobless and I won't have to move home (much to mom's disappointment) and I won't have to move at all, BUT (of course there had to be a but) what about my summer vacation to Europe?
The practical side of me says "Take the job. Having a job is more important than a vacation and you haven't heard a peep from the schools". But the other side of me says "What if?" It's lame and I don't like it. MAN this is crappy! Really crappy. I don't like hard choices. I suppose I'll take it to the Lord and see what he has to say about it. Really ponder it out and decide. Too bad my time for pondering is being cut so short.
I know I need to make sure I'm not overlooking the answer God has already given me.
He Cats
5 weeks ago
That is rough!! Europe? That would be hard to pass up. But good jobs are hard to find sometimes! Let us know hat you decide to do. I will pray for you too :)