November 4
I was struggling to think of something to be grateful for today. Not that I don't have things, but I didn't have anything that really stuck out that I was particularly grateful for, until I just checked my email, because you know it's Monday in the Philippines and that means it's p-day for my sister. To my great surprise and delight there was an email, but it was short and said to be continued at the bottom so I looked at when it was sent and it was only 21 minutes ago! Do you know what that means!? That means she's on right now so I can email her and it's like instant messenger, only not so instant, but we can have a sort of normal conversation through sending emails back and forth. I did that with my dad on my mission. BUT back to my grateful thing for the day. I'm grateful for my SISTER!!! I just love her. She can always make me laugh and make a sour situation great. She is strong and determined and full of life and love and energy. I love the inside jokes we have and how when we both get laughing it can go on and on and we're both crying and can hardly breathe. THAT is a good time. Who knew that my mom was right, when I was 15 and my sister was 9 and I didn't want her to tag along with me and my friends and I just didn't really want a sister, and my mom said, someday you'll change your mind and she'll be one of your best friends. True statement. Mom is smart. I miss her like crazy with her being on the mission and sometimes I go to text her to ask her something or tell her something funny only to remember she's in a different country and won't be able to respond, but I'm so proud of her for going on a mission and being an example to my family. She's a gem and I'm glad if I only have one sister that she's it.
November 5
Tonight I went to FHE. It's not my most favorite thing, but I try to be supportive of people in the ward and their callings. As I sat there listening to everyone discuss a conference talk, I was very grateful for their insights and testimonies on the gospel. I am surrounded by really good people who help strengthen me and help me see things in new, different and sometimes better ways. I'm grateful for the gospel and the common ground it gives us to connect and help each other grow, so maybe this counts as two things, but I can play by my own rules and I say it's okay.
November 6
My body. I am really grateful for a healthy body. It is amazing all the things my body can do and how it just keeps going even when I put it through awful things, like not sleeping enough, eating junk and running 26.2 miles. It is a miraculous machine and I'm grateful for the health I have and the ability I have to run. Running just clears my mind and makes me feel better about things. Yeah for a body! and yeah for running!
November 7
My job. Not only that I have one, but that I have one that I like. I know a lot of people who can't say they have both of those things. I'm grateful to work with nice people and feel like a productive person at the end of the day. I'm grateful I have a paycheck. Although it may not be the biggest one, it pays the rent and buys me food. Hurray for having a job in this less than ideal economy of ours!
November 8
Nature! God is the ultimate artist. The sunset tonight as I was going into the temple was AMAZING. The changing leaves on the trees were stunning and I am always amazed by the beauty in the mountains and really all around me. To add to this on the 9th, the BEAUTIFUL SNOW!
November 9
A place to live. As it snowed and snowed today, I am very grateful that I have a warm house to go home to. A house that keeps out the elements and keeps me safe.
November 10
My family. I've always loved my family. I of course went through the teenage years of not liking them very much and not getting along with my mom at all, but it seems growing up fixes that. At least for me. College opened a whole new world of what my family means to me. I love to be able to call up my mom and dad to just chat. Or to ask a question and get their opinions. I love to go home for a visit and just hang out with them. Family really is where it's at.
He Cats
1 month ago
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