I am not a political type person. I don't get super wrapped up in the comings and goings of anything political. I would rather do almost anything else than have a political conversation. I really think it brings out the worst in people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that. What I don't respect is you trying to convince me that your way is the only "right" way. It goes for both parties. Have an opinion! But don't cram it down my throat.
That being said I did try and watch the debates and be a bit informed on the issues this year. I voted. Sure I don't live in a swing state and my vote probably "doesn't make a difference". BUT I am an American, I have the freedom to vote, and so I did. Did things turn out the way I would have liked? No. Will my world end? No. Will the world in general end? not likely (although there is that Mayan calendar thing . . .)
The future may look bleak and uncertain to some, but there is one thing of which I am sure.
God is still there for us and watching out for us and as long as we stay close to Him, we'll be okay.
He Cats
5 weeks ago
Amen sista!