June. I guess in January I thought June would be a GREAT month to run lots of miles. Originally the goal was to run 75 miles, but when I ran 73 miles in April preparing for my half marathon I upped the goal to 100 miles. June proved to be a SUPER BUSY month. My dad had his half Ironman in Boise second weekend in June. My sister also got her mission call that weekend. That week I was doing two a day runs a few days to make up for the runs I would miss while I was in Boise.
The next weekend Julie got her endowment in Rexburg so I was home again for that. That week I just didn't run as much. Luckily I had run those first two days in June so I had some fudge room.
The third weekend we were off to Moab for skydiving so I was running 6 miles a day for 4 days. That made me super tired. :/ This last week was great though. With the extra miles from the first two days I was able to skip a couple days of running this last week, which was very helpful since I needed to take some tests at BYU in the mornings.
Friday night I ended up going with my roommate Megan and some other people from the ward up Spanish Fork Canyon to the hot pots. It was loads of fun, but we got home at 1:30. That doesn't work so well when you need to get up early-ish to be able to run before it's too hot. There was no way I wasn't going to go. With only 2.8 miles left of my June goal, I dragged my sorry self out of bed and made the last run. My 5 hours of sleep won't be the greatest idea for my day today and I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow, but I did it!!
And I love that this tells me how many donuts I burned. I'm pretty sure I'd want to die if I had eaten 70 donuts.
He Cats
5 weeks ago
What tracking tool do you use?