My favorite song is called She. The song I actually recognized from the radio is called She is Love.
You can click on those to listen to the songs on youtube.
So now that I know I actually like these people, Thursday night we met up and headed to Salt Lake. Parking wasn't the funnest thing to try. We didn't want to pay $5 for every hour we were parked which is what some of the rates were. In the middle of our search for parking, Becky and Casey decided they were so we pulled into the Carl's Jr. drive through. There was a cop standing in the parking lot, patrolling it to make sure no one parked there who wasn't suppose to, so I decided to go and ask him where he would recommend for us to park. He listed a couple places and then said, "I can't do this for everyone, but you could park at that spot back by that wall is this lot". SCORE!! It was right across the street from the concert and FREE!
We loved the first band Allred, but didn't love the next two guys very much. The actual Parachute portion was AWESOME!! I really like their music and have plans to buy their CD as soon as I make it to the store. Call my old fashioned, but I still like the good old CD. I do have my brother put it on my iPod, but I still like to have the actual CD.

Thanks Becky for posting this picture so that I could use it.
Friday night I hung out with my friends Rochelle and Brynn who I know from the ward when I lived in Orem. Rochelle and I went to Payson to a Fajita (as in the food) Party my friend Aubree (who I met on my cruise) was putting on. I'm glad that we went since the food was delicious, the game was fun, and I learned that Aubree is a quilter! After the Fajita party we went back to Rochelle's and Brynn came over and we all just hung out. It was so fun. I really need to do more stuff with those girls. What a fun weekend. To finish things off. Saturday I started packing up my stuff and moving it to my new place. :( The Crowe's come home this next Thursday and therefore I have to be out. I'm moving about a mile down the road and it's only until August, so then I'll have to move again, but I went to the new ward today and everyone was really friendly so I think it'll be good even if it's only for a month and a half.