Saturday morning was pictures. It's always an adventure. We've had the same photographer take our pictures for 22ish years now. We know all the sayings and now we say them to him before he says them to us. Fuzzy pickles, Dad has stinky feet, Kevin kisses ugly girls, money, and on and on.
After pictures we headed to Rexburg for the grand tour of the new auditorium. It's pretty impressive. It's too bad I never got to work in there, but everything has it's time and place and that wasn't mine. It was still awesome to go in and see it.
After the tour we went to the bookstore and then I went to the temple since I had missed my temple day for that week. After the temple I headed to the oh so great city of St. Anthony to hang out with my friends Denae and David in her classroom and help her get stuff ready for parent teacher conference. It was fun to be in her classroom and help her out and be with my friends. Then I went home and went rock climbing with my sister. Ouch. My poor leg. My sister being the great motivator she is told me I should try the harder course, then told me I'd have to jump to reach one of the hand holds. It turns out that I'm not ready for a harder course as I slammed into the wall and hit a ring protruding from the wall and now have a gigantic bruise. She thought it was quite entertaining.
After climbing we headed to Sammy's which was packed so we opted for Millhallow where I had a sandwich with my highschool friend Danizza. We had a lovely chat. I ended the night falling asleep to Labyrinth. Sunday wasn't too exciting but it was nice to sit and chat with my mom.
The ride home was fairly uneventful except for my aunt calling to tell me she wanted to set me up on a blind date. The story of my life. :)
Out of ALL the movies you could have fallen asleep to... you chose David Bowie in tight spandex pants... I'm telling you that movie gave me nightmares for like 5 years after we watched it at your slumber party in middle school! :) Glad you had a fun weekend!