Monday, October 12, 2015

He hears you

Sometimes there are principles of the gospel you know work, you have a testimony of, but maybe not a strong personal experience with them. I have always had a hard time fasting. Mostly due to lack of planning on my part, resulting in not really having a purpose, so it's mostly just starving myself. This year one of my New Year's resolutions was to have more meaningful fasts by picking a different person every month and asking them what I could fast for them. I would say I've been about 95% successful (September got away from me). Last month visiting teaching, one of the sisters I visit shared some worries she's been having and asked me to fast for her this month. I told her I would. Immediately after visiting her I had a scripture and a phrase come to my mind. I knew Elder Bednar had said it, but I COULD NOT FIND THE TALK. I read A LOT of his talks and found a few things that were close, but not exactly what I was looking for. I eventually gave up and set it aside until this past fast Sunday. I fasted for my friend, hoping she would find answers and went about my Sunday as usual. My friend Aubrey had said she was going to a fireside Sunday night and I thought it looked interesting so I decided to go with her. I didn't have any real expectations for the fireside, but as the main speaker began to talk I knew. I knew this would give me some answers to the questions my friend had and probably to a few of my own. When he played this video, I started to cry.

This was the exact thing I had been looking for weeks ago by Elder Bednar. And there it was, projected on a big screen just for me. An answer to my prayer and fasting to help my friend. A testimony to me, that fasting works and God hears our prayers. He knows us and he will answer our sincere pleas. Moroni 7:13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

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