Monday, February 10, 2014

A lesson in honesty and respect

Sometimes I really suck at communicating. I have known this for a long time. I hate confrontation and will do most anything to avoid it. BUT that is not really the healthy way to deal with life. I have been on the giving end of trying to deal with things by just ignoring them. Stop talking to the person and maybe they will get the hint that I'm just not interested or don't want to deal with it. WHAT A TERRIBLE THING TO DO TO ANOTHER PERSON. I fail!!! Completely fail. I am making it a goal right now to improve my communication. Life is full of hard things and they need to be faced head on. It might be hard and it might hurt, but at least everyone knows what is going on and they can move on.
I have had this happen to me a few times and it's the worst. I apologize to every person I have ever done this to. I'm sorry for the inconvenience it caused you, for any heartache it may have caused, and for just being straight up rude. Do me a favor and next time I do it, call me out on it. Tell me I'm being ridiculous and to just give you a straight answer or tell you what's wrong. No more of this beating around the bush crap. It's not fair to you or really to me either.

I try and use the excuse that I don't want to hurt your feelings. That's a load of crap. I just don't want to do hard things. It's a cowardly thing to do. Most of us are adult enough to appreciate honesty. I few months ago I had a guy tell me very tactfully that he had started dating someone so he needed to stop talking to me (basically). Did my world shatter? Not even a little. I really appreciated him telling me. I didn't have to waste my time trying to talk with him when he wasn't interested. Sure it was a little sad, but I moved on. Pretty quick actually. Obviously the longer things go the more difficult they are going to be no matter how good your communication is, but still, just face it. Have enough respect for the other person to communicate and not leave them in the dark. It's true actions speak louder than words and eventually we'll get the message by your lack of communication, but with that message might also come the message that you, are a jerk.

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