Procrastination. One of my greatest enemies. I know I am not alone in that. This past week the evilness of my procrastination really came out and laughed in my face, mocking me for my laziness.
I have been planning on going back to school for a while. I didn't know where or what but I knew I needed to go back. I finally got the what down (education) and then only needed the where.
I asked around for suggestions on online universities and got glowing reviews for Western Governors University. I decided on that. I prayed about it, looked into it a bit and then did nothing. I finally got a kick and asked myself "If you already have the answer, why aren't you doing anything?" Duh Cathy. And so I decided I wanted to start in May. They start there semesters the 1st of every month, and still I didn't apply. Why? I have no idea. It wasn't anything difficult. Finally I got an email that said, "If you want to start in May you have to have everything done by April 18th." I finally got on the ball.
I filled out the application, paid the fee, talked to an enrollment counselor, had my transcripts sent it, and then I waited. And then, the horribleness of my procrastination came running at me with teeth barred, ready to bite away all my ambition. "We're sorry. You do not meet the pre-reqs for this program."
"I don't what!?" It's true, no history in college came back to bite me. And that one trig class that I struggled through? Not enough. 4 classes short. 4! So now I have to take 3 history classes and statistics. Now as disappointing as that is at anytime, I feel that if I had not procrastinated, I would have been a little less frustrated. BYU-Idaho has all the classes I need online. Set-back, their Spring semester starts this Tuesday the 19th. And so I've been filling out an application for the continuing education program, running around getting interviews with the Bishop and the Stake. Trying to figure out how to get it there the very fastest possible and praying that because it's only online classes they won't make me wait until the Fall.
I know it is completely my fault if I have to wait until Fall. If I had applied a month ago or more when I first decided, I would have had no problem applying for Spring. To make matters worse, I went for my interview with the Bishop this morning, only to discover that my records were moved this week, since all the student wards are being completely redone. The bishop signed my paper anyway and I hope there are no problems, but if there are, it's all my fault.
As I was in the temple on Thursday evening, sitting in the Celestial room, pondering what I was suppose to be learning, and why, if I had gotten the answer that this is what I was suppose to do, it wasn't working out? This is the answer I got, "Don't procrastinate," (I think that one was me talking) and "It is what you are suppose to do, but are you going to give up just because it isn't as easy as you thought it would be? Are you going to quit because it's hard? When things are expected and asked of you, are you going to say no because it's too much work?" (I don't think that was me)
My answer was no. I'm not going to give up. Sure this is going to throw off my entire plan, but since when do my plans ever go how I want? Since never. I obviously don't know what's best for me and all I can do is put my trust in the one person who does know what's best. God. He has never let me down, never left me alone, and never led me astray. I'll be okay. Change is good. Even unexpected change.