Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Truly I am okay with being single. I know God has someone great for me and I'm willing to wait, but it does kinda bug me when my guy friends ask me why I'm not dating. "You're a cute girl" they tell me. I know! Do you think it's really my fault? If so please tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can fix the situation. Stop telling me I'm cute and just date me already!


  1. Amen. You are cute. You have a great personality. Stupid cupcake(s).

  2. Hey! I came upon your blog through your facebook profile, and hope you don't mind. I will agree with you on this post. I had a nine-year-old ask me the same question a few days ago why I wasn't married either. Thanks for your post. (My blog is private but if you send me your email I'll do my best to send you an invite.)
