Friday, June 12, 2015


There are the people in your life who are your friends. The friends who are there for whatever phase of life you are in now. You are friends who do stuff. You know that they probably won't continue on past this phase. They are kindred spirits and meant to be cherished.
There are friends who you chat with when you see them at church. They get the update on that date you had this past weekend and how your botany class is going or how the latest job drama is playing out. They, much like the friends who do stuff, will probably fade out as this phase of your life ends. They are kindred spirits and are meant to be cherished.
There are the acquaintances, the colleagues, the committee members, and the neighbors, maybe not quite kindred spirits, but meant to be cherished just the same.
And some people are your best friends. They are the friends you can count on in every phase of your life. Whether you see them often or only talk to them once a year, you have a connection and it's probably going to last the rest of your lives. They are kindred spirits, bosom friends, and are rare and meant to be cherished. 
All people can teach us lessons about life and about ourselves, they are there for that phase of your life for a reason and should be cherished. Don't be sad it didn't turn out the way you thought, don't be angry that you didn't stay as close as you had hoped, be glad they were there and cherish the memories you have. God is always with you and he is always placing people in your life for a reason.

All this writing about friends, makes me think of the song from Wicked
"Because I  knew you, I have been changed for good."

Friday, June 5, 2015


I just want to find someone to be with every day, 
to love until forever.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Give them a hug

I've been doing the single thing for a long time now. If we go from when I graduated high school and started into the big world of college, I've been at it for 12 years. There are lots of ups and downs along the way, most of the time I'm pretty okay with how things are going and I'm good to just be going them on my own. Some days though, I realize how alone I am. I think about the last time someone touched me; on purpose and not just bumping into someone in the hall. A time when it was personal and not just a handshake when you met someone new. I'm constantly surrounded by people, but never have interaction. Real personal human interaction, even just among friends. I'm single, I'm not expecting a miracle here. :) I know I won't have a hand to hold watching a movie with my friends, or someone to cuddle up with on the couch, but I just crave a hug. Someone who is happy to see me and gives me a hug because they are my friend and care about me. I didn't have to ask for it, they just gave it out as naturally as anything because we're friends. A hug from a girl friend will suffice, but what I really want, and I'm not sure why there is this difference, is a hug from a guy friend. Completely platonic. There have been few times in my life, when a hug from a guy has been awkward or where I questioned his motives. I know I can't be the only one feeling this way, so the next time you see a friend who looks like maybe they need a little extra lift, or who  you haven't hugged in a long time, just go for it. Give them a hug and be excited to see them. Life is hard and we all need a little extra love and encouragement sometimes. It's good for you and it's good for them. My goal for tonight is to do just that. :)

6 Reasons You Need To Be Touched
The Science and Practices of a Hug