I went to FHE on Monday night. Not the most exciting news of my life, but I haven't been in a long time because I've had to work Monday nights. I almost didn't go because I had so many other things I needed to do, but I decided I could go for the lesson and then leave and get other things done. Our lesson was on spiritual gifts and it was taught by John.
John is an interesting guy. He is SO smart. And he's smart in a lot of areas. He doesn't just know engineering, he knows everything. :) He was the Sunday School President when I taught Relief Society and was in charge of teaching a pilot program the church is working on for teacher development. Since I was a teacher, I was asked to attend that class.
Anyway, John gave his lesson and it was a good one, but it started to go long and I was ready to go. I'm sitting there just staring off waiting for it to be over and John calls on me. "I'd like to hear what Cathy is thinking about". Perfect. I actually did have something to say about the lesson so I gave my little blip and then think I'm done. Of course not. John, in true sincerity, thanks me for my comment and then gives me the nicest compliment. He said, "I always appreciate Cathy's comments. She is always so uplifting and I always feel uplifted when I'm around her". Or something similar to that. I was SO embarrassed for him to say that in front of our whole group and the other group that was meeting with us, but I was thankful for the compliment and the gentle reprimand for being so anxious to leave. I know John is always very sincere and that he doesn't throw things around just to make people feel nice.
I hope that is true and that I can and do uplift people and leave them feeling better about life and themselves.
He Cats
5 weeks ago