It's the last day of July and I'm barely posting something for the month. I'd say it's because my life is boring, but that's not exactly true. Maybe busy? I don't think that's it either. Lazy is probably the better word. Whatever.
After my run last night I ran into my visiting teacher Deb. (Can I just say I love her? She's pretty much the best ever.) We had a nice little chat. The visiting teaching message this month was on teaching and learning the gospel. One part at the very end talks about asking meaningful questions. In my reading of the lesson I thought of a couple questions about that: What questions should I be asking? and How do you ask good questions? In my own visits to the girls I visit teach we discussed this, but didn't come up with any conclusions. In talking with Deb about the same thing I gained some insight.
First of all I need to prepare better for prayer. I just kneel down and go for it instead of thinking it out. There's nothing wrong with just going for it, but I don't feel like it's very effective for me. Deb also suggested that maybe our every day questions (maybe not necessarily spiritual) could be directed towards God instead of just thought of and discarded.
Next, to go with the first: think about the different areas of your life. Physical, emotional, spiritual, social, etc. In each of these areas ask these questions:
What do I want to change?
Who do I want to become?
What are my goals?
Who can I help along the way?
What worries me?
What talents do I want to develop?
Look at these questions (and others you think of) for each area. Now make and plan and think of questions to ask God to develop this plan and put it into action. Maybe I won't even know the answers to those questions and that will give me a place to start in my question asking.
Really ponder and find the questions of my soul. I think I should definitely write them down. I forget what I've asked for or what I'm working on so who knows what answers I've received and didn't even connect.
What opportunities have I passed by? What progress did I miss?
Lots to work on.
He Cats
5 weeks ago