Life is a funny thing. You have days that just drag on and on and you think they'll never be over and yet, when you stop and look back, you can't believe how fast the time has gone. I read this quote by Robert Frost the other day and it really hit home.
Life goes on. No matter the heartache and disappointment, life continues moving forward. Hopefully we continue to move with it. It doesn't discount our pain and trials, but time continues on and it does heal. It softens the pain. You don't forget, you don't fill the void, you learn to live with it and keep going.
14 years ago today we lost my brother Brad. Last year his birthday was really rough for me. It comes and goes, but it's always there. Some days are harder than others. I am so grateful for my family and our testimony of the Plan of Salvation. I'm grateful we stuck together and have become closer as the years have passed. I am grateful for the memories we have with Brad and the memories we have made since.
I am grateful for the friends God has given me who have helped me through trials and continue to lift and support me. I got a text from one of my best friends today just letting me know she was thinking of me today and another friend who probably didn't even think about it when she sent me a text of her kids that started my day out right. God knows and He puts people in our lives to make it a little easier.
God is aware of us. We don't always understand His plan or His timing, but I know He is always taking care of us and wants the very best for us. I am grateful for His constant hand in my life, even though I mostly don't understand and get very frustrated. I know He loves me and things will always work out the best way as long as I do my best to follow him.
Brad, I love you. I miss you. We all miss you.
Heavenly Father, keep taking care of him please. :)
He Cats
5 weeks ago