I get so frustrated with myself and the way I'm feeling. I understand that feelings are a part of life and that sometimes they can't be helped, but lately I feel like the ones I'm experiencing actually could be helped and I'm just failing and changing my attitude or outlook or whatever it is that would make me feel better, but I'm just not doing it.
Jealousy, inadequacy, loneliness, resentment. Not exactly at the top of the "How I want to feel" list.
I tell people I'm fine. Because really I am. Life is good and I don't have anything to complain about, but then I come home and even though I know it's true and I am "okay" I don't feel it.
I know the answer. I know what I need to do, but sometimes it's just easier said than done and the results don't come as quickly as I would like them to. But I know they work, so I guess I'll just have some patience and some perseverance and know that God knows what's going on and He knows what He is doing.
We all have Jonah days. But they teach us, make us stronger and they pass.
He Cats
1 month ago